Quitting Is for Losers

I quit.

The two words you’d often hear from working people who want to leave their current job.

This is true at least in corporate America, quitting has become an everyday language used when a person resigns.

But professionals don’t quit. They resign properly.

If you want to call yourself a professionals, never say quit.

Quitting Has Negative Connotation Attached to It

Quitting means giving up.

When you quit, it sends a signal that you can’t cope with the challenges happening in your career.

At some point, everyone working gets stressed. That’s why you’d often see them smoking or drinking as a way to release the stress. Whether that’s good or bad, the point is they find a way to deal with what’s happening.

If you just quit every time you get stressed or something doesn’t go your way, then you have no right to call yourself a professional.

Life isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. There will always be struggles. It’s how you deal with it that matters.

Professionals Don’t Quit

Professionals don’t quit.


If you quit, that just means you’re not a professional.

You can resign properly, of course. But never quit.

Quitting are for losers.

Professionals aren’t losers.

Eradicate That Word From Your Vocabulary

At the end of the day, professionals have a higher calling than a “worker.”

You don’t just do your job. Professionals subscribe to the idea of “if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.”

Professionals go above and beyond what is requested of them. That’s why when they face challenges, they don’t quit.

The strive to deal with it. And if they can’t, they don’t quit. They resign instead.

Resignation is the professional’s way to say “I did everything I can. Now it’s time for me to move on and let someone else handle this.”

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